Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let It Slide

A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11

As we enter into the holiday our emotions can sometimes get the best of us. We hear stories of suicide, parking space assaults and other poor behavior.

I like the verse above. If we practice it we just may conquer the commercialized Christmas and focus ourselves on the reason for the season. This year before you pop a cap in someone because they just grabbed the last guitar hero, take a moment to reflect. That right.... Breathe, count to ten and think of how patient God has been with you. How many times has He let you slide today?

This year let's put Jesus first. Don't sweat the small stuff and LET IT SLIDE!!

Don't forget the Christmas Party at Chad's House December 21st
check the website for more details www.journeymin.com

Merry Christmas
Bro. Coy